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Ardent GIC Filling Molar

Ardent GIC Molar is a glass Ionomer

material for fillings with chemical ad-

hesion to enamel and dentine and

continuously high release of fluc

ride ions provides against secondary


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Ardent GIC Luting

Ardent GIC Luting is a glass ionomer

cement with outstanding features in-

clude low solubility in the mouth and

low acidity. This low Film thickness

ensures a high accuracy of fitting

crowns, bridges, post and orthodon-

the bands

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Ardent Futura

Ardent Futura is a high copper non

gamma-2 amalgam alloy based on a

mixture of iregular atomized and lathe

cut particles, especially designed for

outstanding corrosion resistance and

lowest creep value.

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Ardent NG-2 70

Ardent NG-270 is a dispersed phased

non gamma-2 amalgam alloy with

high silver content, especially de-

signed for outstanding marginal


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Ardent Meridian

Ardent Meridian is a light curing uni-

versal composite material of the latest

nanohybride type having an optimized

chemical composition. Contains fluor.

Meridian is Intended for all filing clas

ses and can be combined with all ad-

hesives based on BIS-GMA monomer.

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Ardent Latit Flow

Ardent Latit Flow is a light curing.

smoothly glass filled, esthetic resin

material for minimalinvasive den-

tistry restorations. It is derived from

the chemistry of Ardent Latitude and

Meridian, which ensures complete

compability between the products.

green gradation phone call